Failed to Install on TUXEDO InfinityBook S17

thanks for the advice. I will try the newer test-iso .

Do you have RAID enabled in BIOS?

with Qubes-4.2.202305221524-x86_64.iso nothing changed, same FAILED on Device Initialization and freezing at

no, i have 2 ssds but without a raid.

Just to make sure, even if you didn’t specifically configured the RAID for your drives, in some BIOS it’s the default SATA mode:

My Bios looks like that:

I have only the possibility to create a raid-1 or a raid-0, but cannot choose an AHCI-Mode.

I don’t know about this specific BIOS, you can try to find your BIOS manual and see if the default SATA mode is AHCI or RAID and maybe there’s a way to change this hidden option somehow.
Related issue:

When booting initially, there is an advanced boot screen that should allow you to toggle between the stable or latest kernel. Choose the latest kernel.

Since you have the same computer as me, you should also have the same BIOS. Have you changed any settings for the installation?

I have only deactivated the Intel Management Engine.

thanks for your advice. i will try to find a manual for the BIOS.

I did not change anything, Qubes booted on the computer with no changes to the BIOS. The only thing I did was when the computer initially booted with the qubes USB, was select the newest kernel.

Thanks @Cpotts

I played around with the bios a bit and tried RAID for a short time. I then switched it off again. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that and something was changed that I can’t reset via the BIOS GUI.

I only found a white paper on I asked Tuxedo for a BIOS manual.

I thought that if I bought this computer I would be able to install Qubes. If nothing turns up, I’ll probably have to do without Qubes.

You can try to reset BIOS to factory defaults.

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Even a factory reset does not lead to any change in the installation behaviour.

Can you check the boot log for more precise errors?
[OK] Reached target **Basic System.*
If you wait for some more minutes then dracut will timeout and you’ll be able to enter shell to get the logs.
Like this:

I have now waited half an hour after the “reached target basic system”. No further messages came. I then pressed STR-ALT-DEL and more messages appeared (see screenshots).

More “completion polled” messages then appear, but the system does not restart.

There is also no shell prompt.

Can you try to remove NVMe drives from your laptop and try to boot Qubes OS installer without them?

I guess you need to find a way to switch storage mode from RAID to AHCI, because your problem looks exactly like the one from github link above.

I might remove the SSDs tomorrow. (I am glad that I have installed everything. I don’t do this often and I’m a bit afraid of damaging something).

Maybe Tuxedo will answer with a BIOS manual. Maybe there is a way to set AHCI. (I have already looked a lot in the BIOS, unfortunately there is no point like in your BIOS).

Maybe I could also try patching the BIOS.

Trying to boot without NVMe could confirm that the problem is with the storage configuration if the Qubes installer will boot successfully.
But it’s not worth it if it’s not easy to remove them and you can damage something because of this.
Better to try and get the answer from Tuxedo.