Error "Failed to Save Storage Configuration" During Installation

I am having issues during installation choosing a drive to install it on. It will not save the device storage configuration on my hard drive. I have “Automatic” selected and I am trying to encrypt my data. When I hit Done to save the configuration it gives an error with the storage configuration.

It is a Windows 10 installation hard drive. I am trying to reclaim the space to install Qubes on.

Not sure what’s going on and cannot find anything on this topic. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Did you try to wipe the disk prior to start Qubes installation? Or you are trying to keep Win 10 as well, which is not advisable?

OK I wiped the drive but was still getting the same error.

I did manual partitions this time and it worked, however, I cannot seem to get it to do LVM thin provisions. I had to use Standard Partitions.

Now I’m getting stuck in the installer. It’s stuck at “Creating luks on /dev/nvme0n1p4”. I’ve been installing it for 12 + hours at this point. Not sure what’s going on.

Could you do again, set up everthing and do automatic, tick encrypt, enter password, and examine what error pop out?

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I had similar situation, and wiping disk to a clean unallocated space, doing automatic while ticking encrypt and setting password helped me.

I wondered if I could format the already installed QubesOS, so I connected the SSD to Windows, deleted the partitions, etc. using partition software, and then reconnected it, and was able to proceed with the installation successfully.