Dark Theme for [Qubes Manager] Not Working in 4.1

@joe.blough Nah it’s more likely that the XFCE session manager isn’t running in my i3 session, which is how I want to keep it. Would be nice to have the QM obey dark theming, but no real biggie.

I normally had ‘Save session for future logins’ unchecked but when I selected it, my dark theme seems to be persistent for a handful of reboots so far.

cd /etc/profile.d sudo vim environment QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 :wq export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2
worked for me after reboot doing the same in /etc/environment, test with dom0 terminal qubes-qubes-manager if dark reboot and when back qube manager should always be dark