Corrupted Template

I’ve just tested installing Bisq in to a Debian template, using
Allocating insufficient memory produces exactly the symptoms you
encountered. Increasing the memory allocated to the qube as recommended
results in a working qube with Bisq running.

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Yes that’s right its /opt/Bisq/Bisq. When I attempted to increase the vCPU and memory in the debian qube there is an insufficient memory error message.

Do you mean that? I’ve not seen an error message when allocating memory.
Or do you mean after you allocated memory you couldnt then start the qube?

Yes exactly; so if I follow the instructions as written and provision the resources and the restart the Qube, I receive that error message.

You need to free up memory - close down all unnecessary qubes.
Take other steps to make more memory available - there was a recent
thread on the forum about just this topic.

I think it would be best if dom0 used less memory although I don’t want it to freeze; what’s an appropriate amount of RAM for dom0? Checking free -m, it looks like i could free up ~ 1 GB. What’s the best way to set max memory for dom0?

I said, “there was a recent thread on the forum about just this topic.”,
and you yourself started it. Read that.

Yeah I see that haha, thanks for your assistance!