August 11, 2024, 10:21am
I want an ANDROID 14 device to connect to a Cube for file transfer.
I installed the mtp-tools and gmtp package with the manager. The software showed up in the menu.
After i connect the ANDROID device by USB cable, it shows in the list of block devices and I attach it to appropriate Qube. In the file manager, the device shows up. However, if i want to mount the device, nothing happens.
Did I miss something ?
Please advise & many thanks in advance.
regards, hitam
Access the MTP in sys-usb directly without attaching it to another qube:
opened 10:34PM - 05 Jan 21 UTC
T: bug
P: default
hardware support
C: usb proxy
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### Qubes OS version:
R4.0 up to date current, Android 11 (Pixel phone up to date 5 dec 20 - reference platform)
f32 target Qube, f32-min sys-usb
### Affected component(s) or functionality:
USB handling - dom0
### Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Attach Android 11 device with file transfer enabled to a Qube running Nautilus.
### Expected or desired behavior:
Entry for device appears in menu in Nautilus and I can select that item to browse the filesystem on the Android device.
### Actual behavior:
Menu item appears as expected, however selection goes away for 5-10 sec then gives a popup "Unable to connect to MTP device 00n,00n" and deletes the Nautilus menu item.
### General notes:
Please see forum thread for more details:
An older v8 Android does partially work: same error popup in Nautilus, dismiss that, detach and reattach, then works as expected.
If looking into this I did notice another bug in the device widget communication - if Android file transfer is enabled or disabled while attached to a Qube the attachment is dropped in dom0, however the widget is not notified. Attempting detach in the widget gives a not attached error popup.
### I have consulted the following relevant [documentation](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/):
### I am aware of the following related, [non-duplicate](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/reporting-bugs/#new-issues-should-not-be-duplicates-of-existing-issues) issues:
August 11, 2024, 10:52am
Sorry, I am lost…I would like to ask for detailed steps to follow…to make it easy not reading tons of docs…which I do not understand
Sorry, I am not a software developer…I am just a user, ho wants to master this very complicated system. That’s all.
August 11, 2024, 10:55am
Maybe someone familiar with the system could write a HOW-To connect ANDROID systems by USB cable, since this is a common task these days.
Many thanks for your understanding.
Regards, hitam
Don’t connect your android device to other qubes.
Open the File Manager in sys-usb and try to access the android MTP device in it.
August 11, 2024, 11:02am
I do have to install mtp-tools then in sys-usb and any other package required ?
The connected device does not show up in the filemanager i sys-usb.
August 11, 2024, 11:09am
sudo apt install mtp-tools resulted in this error message:
Temporary failure resolving ‘deb.qubes-os.org ’
Are you trying to install it in sys-usb qube itself?
You need to do this in the template of sys-usb.
August 11, 2024, 11:13am
Sorry, where to find the template of sys-usb ???
It is not listed in the template tab.
What’s the value of Template field in sys-usb Settings → Basic tab?
What’s the value of Type field in sys-usb Settings → Basic tab?
August 11, 2024, 11:29am
Template says default-dvm in Qube manager
value of type fiel says —> DispVM
What’s the value of Template field in default-dvm Settings → Basic tab?
August 11, 2024, 11:38am
the value is debian-12-xfce
Then install mtp packages in the debian-12-xfce template and try again.
August 11, 2024, 11:55am
The connected ANDROID Device still does not show up in sys-usb.
It is listed in the device list with sys-usb 2-6
Did you shutdown the debian-12-xfce template and restarted sys-usb qube before trying?
Did you install the same packages that you’ve installed in the qube to which you’ve attached the android previously and saw the android MTP device in the file manager?
Did you make sure that android device is in MTP mode?
August 11, 2024, 12:11pm
The ANDROID is in MTP mode. At first i installed the mtp-tools package in the office template of the Office Qube and the device showed up in the gnome file manager after attaching it to the office qube. However, it was not possible to mount the device, to be able to move files.
Alter each software installation I restarted the whole system, even that is not necessary.
The device nver showed up inside the sys-usb template file manager.
I checked the usual mount directories /mnt, /media —> empty.
Then you need to install additional packages for Thunar integration with MTP.
Try installing gvfs-backends
August 11, 2024, 12:37pm
Install in what qube the gvfs-backends package ?