I was trying to limit the number of connections for each appVM using tinyproxy, but tinyproxy is not listed in the service in the appVM settings section of myproxy. When I install it in the terminal, it says it is already installed. I referred to this for the configuration method.
When I check the status on the myproxy side, it says disabled, so it is probably not running. How can we install tinyproxy on myproxy ? Or it is possible that I am making a mistake somewhere.
Thank you for your reply, sorry for the delay, I was able to register the tinyproxy service and followed the steps properly from there, but when I type sudo systemctl status tinyproxy, the service is disabled and it seems tinyproxy It seems that tinyproxy itself is not running properly.
I looked at the back of the article and it looks like there is another article on the wiki, but I can’t seem to find it. I’m sure it’s there somewhere…