Can't get VM audio working after accidently did PCI strict reset

My computers internal speakers used to work just fine. I was trying to mess around with some things and did a strict reset on my audio controllers. I then unattached those controllers from that windows HVM and now audio doesn’t work on any VMs. Audio does work on my dom0. If I set one of my AppVMs to PV mode and attach the audio controllers to the AppVM the audio will work in that VM exclusively. But I can’t get audio to work on all my VMs, and none of the PVH since you can’t even attach devices to PVH VMs.
If I run ‘qvm-pci’ command it doesn’t show my audio controllers attached to any VMs. Checking the configuration tab in pavucontrol says no cards available for configuration. Here’s the 2 audio controllers I’ve been messing with, 00_1f.3 and 01_00.1

Does audio work if you set no strict reset back again?
Do you have audio qube set up?

No because you can only strict reset PCI devices if they are currently attached to a VM unless I don’t know how. And strict reset them when attached to a VM just makes those PCI devices work exclusively on that VM.
But no matter, I just upgraded to 4.2 and the sounds fixed themselves. I now have proper control over the audio PCI devices. I did attempt to create a sys-audio Qube when using 4.1 but I think maybe those instructions are for 4.2 only. I couldn’t get sys-audio to work with 4.1
Just lucky I guess I finally needed to upgrade to 4.2. I kept delaying it because my hardware was a pain to get 4.2 working with. But with 4.1 hitting EOSL I had to.

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