Hello, I’m with Qubes 4.0 and I’ve easily configured dom0 appearance, especially themes and fonts.
Despite this, I cannot change the appearance of the individuals AppVm. Regarding the fedora 32 template, whether I try to open it both from gui or terminal by typing gnome-control-center I get the following answer:
(gnome-control-center:1184): display-cc-panel-WARNING **: 19:23:06.232: no sunset data, using 16.00 (gnome-control-center:1184): display-cc-panel-WARNING **: 19:23:06.232: no sunrise data, using 8.00 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
As for debian-based templates and appvm’s, I downloaded a setup program (it appears as Tweaks in the list) which allows you to make changes, but once selected nothing happens, either in the template or in the appvm.
Thanks for reply! I tried with gnome-tweaks and it worked on fedora, thanks! While I was already using it in Debian and it keep not working, it save my adjustments but not apply them.
Nice suggestion for the thread, it surely interest me! Other people are crazy with customisation
Yes, I had the same experience. (forgot to mention that)
Yes, I must say the Qubes defaults are not particularly appealing and there are some things that don’t require additional software but make so much difference… But let’s discuss this in the other thread.
Just for comprehensiveness if someone else will going through the same matters and land here, I was able to set dark theme also in debian template thanks to the end of this description