App qube does not start any apps after update - what do?

I have an app qube for Telegram that does not start anything after the template qube got updated. I cannot even start the file manager or terminal of that app qube. Even in dom0 doing something simple like qvm-run A-telegram ls just hangs (I checked and this works for every other app qube even though I don’t see any output which is expected).

I copied the logs of the last few start and shutdown cycles of this app cube here:

Is this issue with A-telegram qube recurring?
If you restart this qube then will this issue persist?
Can you shutdown other qubes to free up the memory and try to start the A-telegram qube again?
Maybe there is some issue with memory balancing and Qubes can’t free up enough memory for this qube when it starts fast enough.
There was a similar issue before:

Is this issue with A-telegram qube recurring?

Yes, I have not figured any way to get it to be responsive again

If you restart this qube then will this issue persist?

I restarted this qube as well as my entire host machine several times, but nothing changes. Also please note that there are no further updates to be installed.

Maybe there is some issue with memory balancing and Qubes can’t free up enough memory for this qube when it starts fast enough.

Do you have any suggestions on what I could do further investigate this issue further or what can be done to fix this?

You can try to disable the memory balancing for this qube for a test and set the initial memory size to e.g. 1 GB.

I did that, also increased the initial memory to 2GB, I attempted to restart the app qube a few times but no change either, but no change.

Are you able to start the apps in the template that A-telegram qube is based on? Or does it has the same problem?

To be clear, A-telegram is the app-qube which is the only depedent qube on the template qube Z-telegram. I cannot start any apps in that qube.

Do you mean that you can’t start any apps in Z-telegram as well?

I was able to start e.g. terminal in the Z-telegram template qube, but I could not start any app in the corresponding A-telegram app qube.

To resolve the situation I now just installed telegram again on a new app qube (I’m installing it as a snap package, so the installation actually happens on the app qube and not the template qube) derived from the same template qube and deleted the old app qube and all is ok again.

Still, I guess there’s something wrong on Qubes’ end that makes sense to investigate. Will close this for now as my issue is resolved with the re-installation.