- Where would i install wireshark and nethogs on Qubes if i wanted to check the traffic?
- How do you set up tor-over-vpn in Qubes? Any scripts?
- The meny in Qubes disappeared ontop when i clicked it the wrong way.
So where is the setting to restore the top meny in Qubes, and how do i remove the option to click it away by mistake? - Where would i install opensnitch or similair in Qubes to check the traffic?
GitHub - evilsocket/opensnitch: OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall
An intrusion detection system in Qubes would be good to have overall. - Why is dom0 always old in Qubes, and why does not everything have the latest linux versions?
- If i have debian-dvm as choide for domo according to Qubes manager. Why is it downloading fedora 32 if i click update over there?
- What are the best or most secure options to have in the Qubes global manager under source repositories?
Community templates, and testing? testing under security should be more secure then the default option am i right? - Is this the best solution to this date if someone wanted to have traffic IDS in Qubes?
Traffic Analysis in Qubes OS – Zrubi.hu
Are there any better ways?
The latest release of Qubes looks great btw! Thanks!