4.2 bug: after updating 4.2 sys-net will not be able to access the internet if it is based on debian12

I followed the official tutorial and successfully updated to stable 4.2, but there is a serious problem: if sys-net is based on debian-12 or kicksecure, there will be no network, only if sys-net is based on fedora-37, please solve this problem.

Have you checked if the firmware for your ethernet / wireless card exists in the debian-12 template? “No network” is a vague problem and please provide more information. What does your network manager in sys-net say? Can it recognize your network-related devices?

Edit: seems similar to networked qubes other than sys-net often without web connectivity after sys-net start · Issue #8752 · QubesOS/qubes-issues · GitHub

Try recreating any net-related TemplateVM and AppVM. This resolved my problems.

Seems related:

I recreated the template and sys-net and still can’t get online, I’m using debian-12-minimal

You need to check your logs to find the problem. Is your network interface initialized?

If I use the sys-net created by the template fedora-37, I can get online.

I don’t need fedora, I need to use debian-12-minimal, please help me, thanks.

You need to start sys-net based on debian template and check the logs to see what’s the problem with your network controller.
When you start sys-net based on debian template do you see your network controller interface in output of this command in sys-net terminal?

ip a

Other than that, I can’t download any new templates, and when the template download completion reaches 100, it prompts a signature integrity failure.