YubiKey not Detected in Device Manager (USB-keyboard enabled)

To answer my own question: at least in Qubes 4.0 both U2F proxy and keepass-yubikey-login in Fedora 32 are working.

The problem I had with U2F proxy was due to a simple mistake. I forgot to change my template my sys-usb was based on to my template-clone that I use for each template (and where I install software).

I imported the keypassXC database with yubikey login from my working setup to my keypassXC in Qubes 4.0 and it worked (with attaching the yubikey).

I haven’t tested all that on my 4.1 test setup.
Both U2Fproxy and keepass-yubikey-login are working fine with Qubes 4.1 as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

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