Wine - Won't open

Hello, apologies if this is a dumb question, i’m still finding my way around Qubes.
I have installed Wine via the Terminal Template. I can see Wine available in my Personal Qube. However, whenever I click on ‘Wine Configuration’ it doesn’t open. Nor can I open an exe file.

Is there something I am missing here?

Thanks in advance.

What are your installation steps and what are you using (Qubes version, template and its version)?

I’ve installed wine on debian-12-xfce for a test by following this guide:
And I can’t open the installed wine apps using Qubes OS menu as well.
I’m getting this message in qube log when I try to run wine app using Qubes OS menu:

wine-tst systemctl[1428]: Failed to connect to bus: No medium found

This message is unrelated, it’s generated when I start any app using Qubes OS menu and not only wine apps.

It was a problem with allowed characters in .desktop filename. If you remove the disallowed characters (e.g. ’ ', ‘+’ etc) from the wine app desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs and refresh applications list in qube Settings then it’ll work.


I have a Fedora Qube based on a Template with Flatpak installed… I installed Wine in the Userspace of the App Qube and installed then a Windows App… I have a Desktop File which let’s me run the App from Thunar File Manager but when I place it in

“~/.local/share/applications” and refresh I get the App in the Qubes list but it won’t open from startmenu…

There is no


Folder in my case…

Check the content of the .desktop file, maybe there is a relative path instead of an absolute path to the executable or something.

The Exec line looks like this:

Exec=flatpak run org.winehq.Wine “C:\Program Files\Application\Application.exe”

I think it’s better to create a link to the .desktop file:

ln -s /path/to/app.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/app.desktop

Are you able to run the app from the Thunar File Manager if you start in using .desktop file from ~/.local/share/applications?

Yeah, it runs fine from Thunar File Manager!

What’s the content of the .desktop file?

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Application Name
Exec=flatpak run org.winehq.Wine "C:\Program Files\application\app.exe"
Comment=Application Description

Did you create this desktop file yourself or was it installed along with your application?

I created it myself… I also marked it as executable…

Try to run it from terminal like this:

cd ~
gtk-launch app.desktop


“Desktop file didn’t specify Exec field”

  1. Place Wine on Desktop
  2. Exec “use corkscrew”
  3. Wine opened!

Cheers :wine_glass:

Is this a joke? If not, sorry I don’t understand what to do here…

Yeah, it’s was a joke…

But now seriously, you have an Exec statement, so maybe either you have multiple .desktop files, or “flatpack” is not in the PATH. No other ideas.

I guess he don’t like the path in the Exec Line but don’t know how to write it otherwise…

What’s the output of this command?

sudo find / -name "app.desktop"