I just got qubes 3 days ago and have looked all over youtube, reddit and spent hours on chat gpt. So far none of the solutions worked.
The network manager shows an ethernet, even though I don’t have it plugged in, but there is nothing about wifi, it just says “vpn connections” under it.
I removed my Ethernet from the right column on sys net now. I have also looked in my sys net and don’t think there are any wifi drivers in there, so I don’t know what to do. Also there may be another issue I am unaware of that is affecting my networks.
Before getting qubes, my wifi was fine. Also everyone else in my home dosemt have any issues.
I would have expected something like “Wireless” or “WiFi” in the name – “Ethernet” makes me think of a wired interface … does your computer [have] an ethernet port?
Can you try with lspci -v and share the text for the interface?
On the Wi-Fi network icon top right - right click on it and select Edit Connections select the plus sign to add a Wi-Fi network shown in the screenshot below.
This is what it shows, nothing about wifi. And yes I have sys-usb, I tried tethering earlier with cellular data, but although it connected, it was very slow and sites never loaded.
Done and it shows wifi connection under wired connection. However, nothing shows up when I left click the top icon, I even tried to reboot first but it looks the exact same.
If you try to stop sys-net (and maybe also sys-firewall) and then look in the settings for sys-net (Click “Qubes Domains” in the upper right corner, select “shutdown” for sys-firewall & sys-net and then start “Qubes Manager”, selecting sys-net and “settings”).
Then you should be able to open the “Devices” tab - does that list just the Ethernet card or does it include a WiFi card as well?
On the screen shots that you sent I don’t see any wireless device. It’s not there.
A wireless device should be like the image below when you issue the lspci -v command
When you have the settings for sys-net open, look in the left hand side of the device tap - does it say something about WiFi, that you can add to the qube with the “>” ?
If you find a device you can add, please also look at the “Basic” tap on both sys-net and sys-firewall and remove the check mark in front of “Start qube automatically on boot” – this can save you some issues, if adding the device causes issues when starting sys-net … and you can just add it again later, if it works …
This is all I have there, I already tried to move the 2a:00:0 ethernet controller and it still didn’t show any local wifi networks, just says “ethernet network disconnected.”