Wifi keys are forgotten every time, is this on purpose?

Hi all, my cubes on the laptop always forgets the wifi password which is quite annoying to retype it every boot up.
Maybe it is not a bug but a feature, so I do not forget my disk mantra and the wifi key. Who knows?

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It’s a feature of setting sys-net up as a disposable qube.

To have your wifi connection persist, find your <ACCESS_POINT>.nmconnection file in sys-net

find / -type f -name "*.nmconnection"

and copy it into the disposable template (e.g., <DEFAULT-DVM>). Then, in the disposable template create the following folder

mkdir -p /rw/config/NM-system-connections/

and copy the file there, where it will persist. Finally, add the following line to /rw/config/rc.local:

echo "nmcli connection up <ACCESS_POINT>" >> /rw/config/rc.local

Depending on needs, it’s possible to have sys-net being an AppVM and not a disposable qube.

I wrote a guide here How can I make sys-net from disposable to non-disposable - #3 by solene

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Store the wifi passwords in the keepassxc program inside the vault qube.


good solution.

Maybe, we need a dialog for the network manager to “fire” this setting into default-dvm:

Button: make wifi setting permanent

This would help the standard “dissident / investigative press / amnesty” user of Qubes.
A basic thing like learning wifi passwords should not take a bigger procedure with the shell.
So an additional dialog should be hacked for qubes, maybe in python.

But thanks for your help.
The wifi-key does not need into a vault as the template of dvm is not active normally so nobody could steal from there provided the insulation of the storage is kept.

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