@unman Let me then give you some arguments for my view.
I already gave an example above how command line is unavoidable in certain circumstances. Do you need more examples? Have a look here. Also, even installing software can only be done via command line.
Qubes is of course the most secure operating system available. However, using it requires much more effort then using any other system, if you want to benefit from it at all. You have to compartmentalize your workflows, keep track where you open what, constantly run and stop VMs (which is very slow), suffer from the lack of hibernation and GPU acceleration.
You should download things in a dedicated qube and copy them via inter-qube secure copy mechanism, which doesn’t (rightfully) allow to choose the directory. It leads to a clutter in my QubesIncoming
directories. Configuring Bluetooth is a pain with command line; configuring VPNs is a pain with command line, according to numerous posts here.
See also: Major UX Pain Points.
The above is not a complain about the work of Qubes developers but an unavoidable reality of an extremely complex project with an extremely small team.
Feel free to say that I also do not understand how Qubes provides security.