Where is the most optimal place to put custom folder icons?

Anyone know the most optimal place to put custom folder icons in fedora?




would it be the same location in a template as it would to make them persistent in a one-off appvm?

how about debian/whonix?

thanks in advance!


info —> User Guide - Customizing the Desktop - Fedora Project Wiki

Would it be the same location in a template as it would to make them persistent in a one-off appvm?

To be persistent in AppVM info —> How to make any file persistent (bind-dirs) | Qubes OS

How about debian/whonix?
Same just apply fedora instruction its still linux.

You also need to take in cosideration your Windows Manager i3,Awesome,xfce4,Wayland etc:.

RTFM! your Windows Manager docs!


p.s. “Feel free to dm if you need help”

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thx for the reply!

not sure why you linked this. it does not help answer my question.

thx. i know how use bind-dirs because, as you said, i “rtfm” :smirk:.

to clarify, what i asked was “where is the most optimal place to put custom folder icons?” and is it the same place in a template (fedora or debian/whonix) as in an appvm to make them persistent?

this is a qubes specific question (answer below).

using bind-dirs is not necessary since “In an app qube all of the file system comes from the template except /home , /usr/local , and /rw.”

so, ~/.local/share/icons is a persistent place to place the custom folder icons and so is /usr/share/icons.

the answer as i have come to understand it is…

if you want the custom icons to be available system-wide for all users and/or install them in a template so they will carry over to appvms based on that template, then place the folder icons in /usr/share/icons

if you only have one user account, or just want to install the custom folder icons for one appvm, then place them in ~/.local/share/icons and they will remain persistent.

hope this helps someone


ps. @xn0px90 cheers! thx for replying and for offering further help via dm.

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