Where is BOOTX64.cfg?

There is no BOOTX64.cfg.

There is only BOOTX64.EFI

And it’s uneditable and it can’t even open properly. Bunch of symbols there.

Used Rufus, Windows 10.

P.S. Goes blackscreen after Grub too. Can’t go to legacy mode cause Intel doesn’t support it (comp without separate videocard). Now i need to buy a videocard to be able to turn on legacy mode. Ridiculous.

You are right - there is however grub.cfg - make the changes there.

So if you wanted to add noexitboot=1 and mapbs=1, where exactly do you to that?
The layout for BOOTX64.cfg in the docs is quite different compared to grub.cfg. I tried adding it at the kernel parameters where you would usually add things, and other places but it either doesn’t work in my case or I’m adding it in the wrong place.

I think BOOTX64.cfg was for Qubes OS 4.0 (booting Xen directly), where Qubes OS 4.1 uses GRUB (and grub.cfg).

Searching this forum, I found:

… and from that, it sounds like mapbs=1 noexitboot=1 should be added like

   module2 /images/pxeboot/vmlinuz ... quiet mapbs=1 noexitboot=1

… but that sounds like what you’ve tried already. :frowning:

Thanks for your reply. I did indeed already try that.
Fortunately, I have been able to get it the installer to work by adding “dom0_max_vcpus=1 dom0_vcpus_pin” to the Xen line and “nomodeset=0” to the Linux kernel line.