What would you like to see improved in Qubes OS?

fantastic, thanks - will check that out as soon as I have the time.

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See also:


thanks also

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Strange i don’t see this thread! awesome!, I’m going to try it as soon as I have some time :slight_smile:


Glad that you liked it. Just wrote the rgb_to_hsv, hsv_to_rgb and tint functions in pure bash. It was a challenge as bash scripts do not provide floating points numbers and I wanted to avoid Python or bc(1). Hopefully the qubes-label-tweak-tool would be fully functional tonight or tomorrow. My aim is to allow user supplied icons as well as the default qute icons.


While I agree with other the things @Sycamore shared, I extra agree with this one.


Sorted by priority:

  1. Better power efficiency
  2. Better power efficiency
  3. Update to Xen 4.18 since it provides better power efficiency (on Intel chips, that is)

Don’t neglect power efficiency.


The ability to provide a custom name/label to an application that has been favorited/bookmarked in the Qubes menu.

While it’s useful to see the color and name of the application’s qube, it would be super helpful to allow a custom name to better distinguish between instances of the same application for example.


Congratulations on 2.000 issues!

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we count on you to contribute to help :+1:

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“Fixed” assumes that all those issues are bug reports. This is a mistaken assumption. There are actually more enhancement requests than bug reports among the open issues. Also, anyone who has an idea for something that they think will be an enhancement can open an issue for it. That doesn’t mean that every idea is a good idea.


Don’t neglect power efficiency.

This is hard. I just gave up on laptops.

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“Fixed” assumes that all those issues are bug reports. This is a mistaken assumption.

I should have probably written “properly resolved”.

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How about a “note” field in the Qubes Manager Settings for a vm that automatically contains changes of config files in this vm, installed packages, …?
If it creates security risk, a special file in the vm would also be great, though, one couldn’t access it if the vm is unbootable…

Of course, hand editing would also be great.

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An easy way to use Trezor and other hardware wallets.

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I don’t know enough about Qubes, but this is my favorite linux distro. It’s hard to get used to and challenging and frustrating. But no other distro beats it.

I love Qubes! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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I’d like to have the quality of the templates improved.

  • Fix issues with the GNOME templates.
  • Make GNOME theming work again. Back in the day theming in the Debian 11 template was also broken until gnome-settings-daemon is installed. On Fedora 40 I still don’t know why I can’t set the dark theme (dconf setting does apply but nothing turns dark).
  • Remove unncessary packages from non minimal templates. Right now they are very bloated and is filled with unnecessary stuff.
  • Fix broken audio in Whonix

etc and etc


Backups. When run from the command line the tool INSISTS on listing the qubes you are NOT backing up. This is pointless, and when I am looking through the output of my automated nightly backups, I have to scroll back through this useless list to see which one got backed up.

There’s a --quiet option on the command which (along with --verbose) has no visible effect. Perhaps --quiet could suppress this list…or --verbose enable it (the latter would be my preference).

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