What would you like to see improved in Qubes OS?

  1. I agree on that. I would hope for better and more visible plans and roadmap for future releases. Qubes OS still lacks it to my opinion.
  2. I would hope the development priorities could be reviewed towards stability and users’ needs. Having Qubes OS for a year without working keyboard layout switching, or without (almost) support of Windows VMs was a terrible experience for community. I think in such cases everything should be postponed and all should be done to fix such regressions, to prevent frustration in the community.
    Note, that it is not about my priorities, because I was able to make layout work better for me (and helped with fixing some of the layout issues on github), and lacking QWT for Windows VMs did not affect me completely, because I already had everything working. But for many users it all was (is) a disaster.
  3. Reviewing and accepting qubes-completion to make everybody’s life better. The contribution exists for a while, it works well for me and other users.