What happened to attaching USB to qubes?

I don’t know what happened but today I noticed that I can no longer attach USB storage device (“USB stick”) to my disposable qubes (tried attaching to debian-based disposables, as well as whonix-based disposables).

I plug in the USB stick to the USB port of my NV41 laptop. Then, on the devices sys tray icon, I click on “SanDisk” device (sys-usb: 4-3) and attach it to a disposable. In the disposable terminal I use the command lsblk to check any new usb devices, and I don’t see any.

Has something changed with the way qubesos does its usb attaching to the qubes? It was working very well up to today. If it was a change from the qubesos development, well then, these are the kinds of things that make the user wish the devs didn’t change.

OK. I noticed that I can attach the USB to the qubes if I select the device from Data (Block) Devices header. But trying the attaching from USB Devices header fails as I described in my original post (OP).

This was not the way it was before. Before, I had always done my attaching from the USB Devices header and it worked.

What is going on? Why is there now a confusing UI with USB storage device attachment workflow on the devices systray?

Run this command in disposable qube before attaching USB device to it:

sudo journalctl -f -n0

And in sys-usb as well:

sudo journalctl -f -n0

Then try to attach the USB device from sys-usb to disposable qube.
Check the logs to see if there are any errors.

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Had similar problems yesterday in doing this. Thanks aparatus for your suggestions. Will try this out too.

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Thanks for these suggestions, but why are they needed now?

These commands are not a fix to your problem, they will show you the system logs to see if there are any errors there to debug the problem.

Hmm … it works for me… R4.2.3 up-to-date, in a debian-12-xfce -based dvm, attaching USB stick via the menu:

user@disp1999:~$ lsblk 
sda       8:0    1 114.6G  0 disk 
└─sda1    8:1    1 114.6G  0 part

EDIT: works in fedora-39 dvm’s too.

what lsusb and lsusb -t shows in disposable after attaching? Does qui-device widget shows that SanDisk is attached to disposable?