Weird slow performance Lenovo Thinkpad x1 Gen 4


I have been using qubes for months now, and never had this issue, I have experimented with regular and 'kernel latest" install, things were fine.

Only till recently (randomly) my Laptop runs extremely slow on Qubes, everything is laggy and things take 5x amount of time to happen, it’s a new laptop I got just few months back and everything was smooth till recently, I’m not sure what’s causing this, could it be my SSD? Does that cause things to be laggy? Or something I can do to the OS installed to fix this? Cause Even on a fresh install with any kernel it’s slow, has been like that for the past few days for no apparent reason… I hope this meets you well so that I can find a solution

It’s ACTUALLY unusable, I’m thinking of never using this OS again, because I’m tired of having to deal with issues like this


@solene haalp plz

Can you try Kubuntu liveCD or something like that? Does it work slow, too?

Do you use LVM or BTRFS?
Maybe it’s a problem with BTRFS fragmentation.

why did you ping me specificaly?

you need to quantify “slowness”, how long does it take to start a new qube?

What is the CPU model? How much memory do you have?

Did you try the kernel latest?

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i7-6600U 16GB RAM 256GB SSD, I’ve tried reinstalling qubes, and it takes like x5 times more time now for some reason although I’m not messing with config or anything, each time I install whonix refuses to work, unlike the past few months when I never had those issues, when I say lag I mean doing literally anything takes quadruple the time, like starting a VM terminal that was initially off

No clue, I just install normally, I change nothing

i7-6600U 16GB RAM 200GB SSD, I’ve tried reinstalling qubes, and it takes like x5 times more time now for some reason although I’m not messing with config or anything, each time I install whonix refuses to work, unlike the past few months when I never had those issues, when I say lag I mean doing literally anything takes quadruple the time, like starting a VM terminal that was initially off, moving the mouse is also laggy, it’s like it’s moving in single degit FPS which is abnormal compared to how things were (smooth AF) a while ago…

Could it be ssd issue? Like something happened to it recently?

After install I get “warning dom0 USB is not restricted”

When I install using any kernel, although WiFi on phone works, it’s stuck in 2% in anon connection wizard

This never happened to me a while ago using same install USB exact same ISO in it

After reboot whonix completely breaks :slight_smile:
Qube Sys Whonix has failed to start : cannot connect to qrex agent for 60 seconds, see /var/log/xen/console/guest-sys-whonix.log for details

While everything else is extremely slow BTW

Could this all be caused by SSD? Idk I’m not tech savy…

I don’t think it’s the SSD.

If you click on the qube logo in the systray at the top right, do you see a qube with a high CPU usage?

Does it work fine if you unplug all USB devices?

Does it work better if you are on battery?

Is the laptop hot enough that it would burn you if it was on your lap?

First, it’s necessary to identify if this is a software regression or hardware failure. Try to reinstall using different installation media ( from Index of /qubes/iso-testing/ ), if their results are similar then it’s mostly likely to be a hardware failure.