Webcam of Lenovo Thinkpad T550 is not shown in USB-manager

I am testing Qubes OS 4.1.0, which is installed on a USB-Stick. However my webcam is not shown in the USB-manager. Therefore I can`t connect it to my AppVM where I want to use it with Zoom. In Qubes OS 4.0.4 everything was fine. I am using a Lenovo Thinkpad T550.
Please help me.

Thank you very much.

Stay healthy & safe.

Best Knut by Walter

Some webcams don’t like qubes unfortunately. Had the same problem with one of my laptops.

You could try to figure out howthe webcam is connected internally. Find the right controller. You can then attach the whole controller to an AppM. Maybe this is possible on your machine, maybe it is not due to reasons described below.

Be cautious and check how your keyboard and mouse are connected! If they use the same usb controller, you will lock yourself out of the system when attaching it to the qube.

Have a Backup :slight_smile: