Video editing

I’m not sure if Qubes is right for me, so I want to clarify this before the installation.

Currently I have a laptop with 8565U CPU and 16 GB of RAM without additional GPU and I do photo and video editing (currently on windows). I’m OK with spending time for learning the OS, but I’m really not sure if I’ll be able to run the OS smoothly with the above amount of CPUs and RAM. Also, I have high uncertainty regarding the ability to use photo editing and, especially video editing software.

Image editing should work, for most “common” tasks. GIMP runs just fine in Qubes OS, and I don’t have any issues running it in a qube with 4 GB memory, but I don’t professional editing with multiple gigabyte sized image files.

16 GB of RAM is too small amount of memory editing for large images and running Qubes OS with multiple qubes.


Video editing - no way. Heavy loaded 2d graphics is slow and laggy because of CPU rendering. You need to GPU passthrough at least and it is not trivial here.

Try it yourself. Install davinci resolve (should work on Qubes OS on fedora template VM) and try to edit. Then report your emotions here.

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I am editing on Qubes with Davinci resolve. But I must say that it’s quite an advanture. And yes gpu passthrough is needed for GPU rendering. And also the payed version of resokve is needed for gpu rendering.

But I do not recommend it at all for someone new to Qubes. You’re guaranteed to have a bad time.


Thank you for so many replies and the will to help!

Can you please explain then why in the system requirements it says 6(six) GB of minimum and 16GB is recommended, is it just irrelevant to the current version?

I don’t do heavy photo/video editing and integrated GPU is doing its job quite good for me(long render times, but I’m ok with it), but I guess I won’t be able to use the integrated GPU the same in Qubes

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I have tried to do some rendering in VMs based on Fedora and Debian templates and had some issues even with troubleshooting and ended up just rendering on Debian instead of trying to continue to troubleshoot.

Qubes is the most powerful Operating System that you can use. It is very new in some ways. Problems happen. It requires extra time for configuration.

In Qubes, everything you do is it’s own separate computer. If you get a connection from the Internet, that will be in it’s own computer before going to a firewall (in it’s own computer) and then going to Windows (it’s own computer). Each of these computers wants RAM.

If you are afraid of being hacked and need Qubes, you can do it with 16 GB or even 8 if you are okay with running out of ram all the time. If you are editing Videos and using Windows, you will struggle with 16.

A typical setup:

Dom0 4 GB of RAM
Net 1 GB of RAM
Firewall 1 GB of RAM
Whonix 4 GB of RAM

11 GB of RAM can be loaded with the system not doing anything.

You can run Windows with 4 GB of RAM in such a configuration. It’s not what you want.

You really need an extra 16 GB of RAM to give Windows 16 GB and the rest of the system 16 GB.

Qubes is a wonderful OS but it is time-consuming and resource intensive. The programs you run in Windows could have errors they may not in Windows not run in Qubes.

There are Linux-based OSes that work well with graphic design and are not Qubes. You can also run Virtual Box or gnome-boxes in another distribution like Debian, Fedora, PopOS, or Mint to run Windows and you may have fewer technical challenges. It is much easier to do this than running Qubes. Pop OS and Mint are well known for working easily. Parrot allows you to send everything through Tor with a button click and works well.

Is there a reason you want Qubes? Do you love computers and technology? Do you want the best? Are you afraid of being hacked or want to compartmentalize your life? Do you need access to extremely powerful networking configurations that are difficult to do in a normal Linux system?

Qubes is the best out there, nothing is as good, but it requires time to configure. It’s not easy. I hope you end up using it, because nothing is as good, but graphical applications and video or audio applications or playing games is one of those use cases in which you are more likely to run into technical challenges that are not easy.

If you are at risk of being hacked, find a way to run Qubes. Everything is easier and you can clone an entire computer in a minute and delete an infected computer in 10 seconds.


To be clear here, I’m guessing you tried it on debian/fedora-base qubes as running programs in templates is discouraged. Just stating this for novice users reading this who might not know this fact and could be mislead into thinking it’s Ok to test things in templates.

If one wants to try a program, a great way to do is to install it in an app qube and start it from the terminal. If it works great you can install it on the corresponding template, if it doesn’t, then that’s fine as well. Upon restarting that qube it will no longer be there and of you think the program is risky at most it affected that app qube.


but that’s not what I wrote!

I would never run something in the template or make such a terrible typo

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Of course not! :smile:

The good thing is that everybody else does make mistakes, so even if you had, someone would have kindly corrected it and it wouldn’t be a big deal.

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Excuse me, but have you posted a rough description of what you did, your setup and your issues already somewhere? - I was searching for reasons, why my DaVinci Resolve Installation in a fedora qube (all fedora relevant steps done ( is not opening/reacting at all and I only found your other post: “I managed to get it working. It took me quite a bit of time and it’s not perfect. I can’t where I posted my setup right now but ping me if I forget to post some more context. But in the very least it requires a discrete GPU”. Would be deeply grateful to progress with some of your experiences. :heart_decoration:

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I have a follow-up question to this

I made a compromise to get 32G DDR instead of 64 because I read that unused RAM allocations could be easier for Rowhammer exploitation. Thus, I too plan on using it for editing graphics and even basic video editing. So I knew I needed 32 or 64G RAM but settled on 32 because video editing is rare for me and so I don’t want to make it easy for Rowhammer to hammer in flipped bits of RAM if I were to ever be attacked with such an advanced exploit (hopefully never, but before I bought the hardware I thought about the pros and cons from a security perspective making me opt for 32G instead of 64G).

Is 32G RAM for QubesOS good enough to run the occasional basic video editing, or did I screw myself here being paranoid?

*** NOTE:
I will not be running Windows, I will likely use a Debian qube and use a FOSS video editor meant for Debian. Not sure which video editor that will be yet. I will be using Inkscape for sure, and possibly one of these options

Not sure which of these 3 I will use and if any have vector graphic editing and creating (SVG files) like Inkscape does
(which is why I might use 1 of these and still use Inkscape, plus I have used Inkscape over the years off and on so already know Inkscape from 2008 to 2011 days back when)

So before my MacOS was remotely bricked by an attacker’s revenge of finding out and exposing them, what I have grown accustomed to doing is:
having a image editor open and working on JPG or PNG graphics while at the same time having a video editor open as I usually will use graphics in my videos so then to import it.

Thus, will 32G of RAM on QubesOS bare metal be enough during those rare times I do video editing, where I will likely have a video editor open in a project clipping video while also having an image editor open manipulating a PNG file? Or did I actually need 64G for this convenience?

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