My understanding is the vault is an air gapped Qube/container, so why is Firefox showing in the APPS vault menu?
Next question is how secure is a password manager in vault, perhaps compared to a cloud password manager?
Might be an answer for BTC seed phrase or passphrase storage, using KeePassXC 2.7.9?
Your seeing firefox since the base template from *-xfce4 has firefox installed you can have a base template only for vault with only apps you need e.g keepassxc,pass etc.
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IMO more secure because you don’t need to trust a third party that much and it has no direct access to the internet, but less reliable unless you practice a good backup policy.
It depends on your threat model and the purpose of the wallet. Sometimes literal paper wallet is the best choice.
Keep in mind that QubesOS domains are technically vulnerable to side-channel attacks - read this topic:
Which you can mitigate by stopping all untrusted qubes while doing some sensitive action.