Using qvm-create-windows-qube results in storage error

I have plenty of hard drive space.

When I type the following input: qvm-create-windows-qube -n sys-firewall -oyw -p chocolatey -i win10x64-enterprise-ltsc-eval.iso -a win10x64-enterprise-ltsc-eval.xml win10-ltsc

I get the following output:

[user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-create-windows-qube -n sys-firewall -oyw -p chocolatey -i win10x64-enterprise-ltsc-eval.iso -a win10x64-enterprise-ltsc-eval.xml win10-ltsc
[i] Preparing Windows media for automatic installation…
[i] Creating loop device from ISO…
[i] Mounting loop device…
[i] Creating new ISO…
Booting catalog starts at sector: 22
Manufacturer of CD: Microsoft Corporation
Image architecture: x86
Boot media type is: no emulation
El Torito image starts at sector 514 and has 8 sector(s) of 512 Bytes

Image has been written to file “/tmp/boot.bin.5VlIb”. line 17: datefudge: command not found
[i] Unmounting loop device…
Unmounted /dev/loop1.
[i] Deleting loop device…
[i] Deleting temporary boot image…
[!] Failed to create automatic Windows installation media!
[!] Failed to create media! Out of disk space? Exiting…

Am I making an error? Is this because using 4.2rc4? Is this corrupted iso? Iso looks fine but didn’t hash check it.

Does anyone know what is going on? The iso is fine, I have storage. Do I just need to use a different iso?

How do I determine the version of this I have installed?

does @jevank use this forum?