USB Install fails on Framework13 AMD

I recently got my Framework 13 with an AMD Ryzen 7 7840U, which is, as far as I can tell from the Community Hardware Compatibility list, compatible.

Now I want to install QubesOS on it, I’ve downloaded the latest .iso(4.2.2) and wrote it to a USB drive using dd(dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdb bs=10M status=progress).
When I try to boot into it I get the error message „ EFI USB Device (USB) boot failed.“. However the USB Stick is recognized and I can even navigate through the folder structure on the USB Drive.

I’ve already read through the documentation and UEFI troubleshooting page but didn’t find anything that sounded right. I also tested it with Qubes 4.2.0, facing the same problem, however Debian 12 booted without any problems using the same method and USB Stick.

Has anybody been facing similar issues or have any idea what I might be missing?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Try to re-verify the installation media after writing: