Updating Qubes 4.1 to 4.2 in place: should I do a normal 4.1 update before following instructions?

I have a question about the instructions at https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/upgrade/4.2/.

My 4.1 system has not been updated for a couple of months, and I want to do an in-place upgrade to 4.2. I’m thinking that the best thing to do first is to do the normal system upgrade for 4.1, so that I can get all the system+security updates in place first. After I have done this upgrade, then I can start doing the in-place upgrade instructions from that webpage.

My question is this: I have unfortunately failled to start this process before the EOL deadline for qubes 4.1, but is it still OK to run the upgrade commands in the system? For example, does the Qubes OS infrastructure still make available the packages that will be downloaded in a 4.1 upgrade?

Thank you

Assume you have to give it a try. Try out, if there are still some 4.1 updates available and if not, you should try out the in-place-upgrade. Make sure, you have a backup of your VMs before doing the in-place-upgrade

The packages for Qubes OS 4.1 are still available.