Understanding how qvm-connect-tcp works under the hood

qvm-connect-tcp plays an important role in Qubes, so I’m trying to understand it more fully. In particular, I’m confused about how it works to expose a service with a simple port binding. Any insight into the following would be appreciated and hopefully of value to the forum at large.

In general, exposing a service with socat in a server-client setup would look something like

user@server$ socat TCP-LISTEN:55555,reuseaddr,fork,bind=server TCP:localhost:55555

enabling user@client to call on the service at port 5555.

In Qubes, qvm-connect-tcp employs socat under the hood, but it’s not clear to me exactly how it works.

Specifically, if we want to expose a service in a qube, call it Qserver, we would call qvm-connect-tcp ::55555 from another qube, Qclient, which would invoke socat as follows:

Qclient$ socat TCP-LISTEN:55555,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:"qrexec-client-vm '' qubes.ConnectTCP+55555"

so the Qclient qube would listen on port 55555, as the source, and would call qubes.ConnectTCP acting on the Qserver qube via qrexec-client-vm as the destination. (At least this is how I understand it in my admittedly confused state…)

So with a RPC policy of

qubes.ConnectTCP +55555 Qclient @default allow target=Qserver	

qvm-connect-tcp ::5555 should create a socat process in Qserver which communicates any input from Qclient to the service listening on port 55555 according to qubes.ConnectTCP+55555 which invokes:

Qserver$ socat STDIO TCP:localhost:55555

However, when I check pstree -ap | grep 55555 in each of these qubes I find the following:

  ├─socat,632 TCP-LISTEN:55555,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:qrexec-client-vm \\'\\' qubes.ConnectTCP+55555
  │   └─socat,728 TCP-LISTEN:55555,reuseaddr,fork ...
  │       └─qrexec-client-v,729 qubes.ConnectTCP+55555

in the Qclient qube and nothing in the Qserver qube. Leading me to question my understanding of how this all works.

Nevertheless, when I check netstat -talnp in each qube I find that they are each listening on port 55555 (the service in Qserver and socat in Qclient) and there are established connections in both directions at, as expected.

So I’m left with a few quetions:

  1. At which points above am I misunderstanding something basic?
  2. Why does the Qubes documentation expose a service in Qserver by calling socat via qvm-connect-tcp in Qclient? This seems counterintuitive.
  3. How does EXEC:qrexec-client-vm... work exactly as the destination for socat in the call to qvm-connect-tcp in Qclient?
  4. How would I replicate this setup outside of Qubes? Would it be as simple as
socat TCP-LISTEN:55555,reuseaddr,fork TCP:localhost:55555

on the server, even though Qubes essentially implements this from the client side?

/etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.ConnectTCP on the destination side used to be a script invoking socat like you described, but now it’s just a symlink to /dev/tcp/ which is handled natively by qrexec (see Types of qrexec services)

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I clearly went down the wrong rabbit hole with /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.ConnectTCP. I suspect most of my fog will clear up once I dig into the qrexec documentation. Thanks for the helpful links!

I take it that qubes.ConnectTCP in the socat destination of qvm-connect-tcp instead refers to /etc/qubes/rpc-config/qubes.ConnectTCP.

The client side initiating the qrexec connection makes a request for just the name, e.g. qubes.ConnectTCP. Then the destination side looks for a handler with that name, first in /usr/local/etc/qubes-rpc/ or otherwise in /etc/qubes-rpc/.

/etc/qubes/rpc-config/ is yet another different directory for extra configuration on how to set up the handler - such as wait-for-session=1 telling the system to delay calling the handler until the GUI session is ready.

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Starting to make more sense, or perhaps I’m just confused at a deeper level now. According to the qrexec-internals documentation for domX.

domX: qrexec-client-vm is invoked as follows:

qrexec-client-vm domY qubes.Service [local_program] [params]

If local_program is set, it will be executed in domX and connected to the remote command’s stdin/stdout.

In the case of qvm-connect-tcp ::55555 run on Qclient(domX), local_program is not set by

socat ... EXEC:"qrexec-client-vm '' qubes.connectTCP+55555"

So as I now understand it, the 55555 parameter is passed to bash in Qserver(domY) to complete the sym-link as qubes.ConnectTCP+55555 -> /dev/tcp/ This will cause the built-in bash script in Qserver to open a TCP socket at, while the connection back to Qclient's stdin/stdout is established by qrexec-client.

Pretty much. (Except that the destination side doesn’t use Bash to handle /dev/tcp/, even though this notation was inspired by Bash. The TCP connection is opened by qubes_tcp_connect() in libqrexec, after the symlink target was parsed by find_qrexec_service().)