Unable to reach the installer (NVIDIA)

I am attempting to install Qubes, with my MSI X570 motherboard and RTX 2080S NVIDIA GPU.

Upon first boot (off a USB drive), I get stuck on a black screen before the installer appears.

I followed the advice from the troubleshooting wiki, and modified the BOOTX64.cfg in both of the recommended ways (commenting out noexitboot=1 mapbs=1 and changing vga to none).

Both of these changes led to a little bit more progress. However, I am swiftly dropped into a recovery shell, with the message mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/live-rw, repeated a bunch.

I have attempted this on both legacy + uefi and uefi modes.

Here are the log files.

dmesg.log: https://pastebin.com/raw/tMcjPznD
rdsosreport.txt: https://pastebin.com/raw/CtrDGQDL

Maybe someone more experienced with Qubes and linux can help me out. I’ve been really excited to try out this OS!

P.S. If I need to provide any other log files, let me know I will supply them tomorrow.

having issues myself with an RTX 3080