I am using latest Qubes OS 4.2 with i3 installed from standard repo. I am trying to set a keyboard command to open firefox in a dispvm as I had in xfce. I have copied the exact command from the .desktop file located at ~/.local/share/qubes-appmenus/default-dvm/apps/
qvm-run -q -a --service --dispvm=default-dvm -- qubes.StartApp+org.mozilla.firefox
have also tried
qvm-run -v -a --service --dispvm=default-dvm -- firefox
It always starts a new dvm, then throws error 127, then stops the dvm. I have tried with multiple incantations of qvm-run, both “qubes-StartApp+org.mozilla.firefox” and simply “firefox”, and can’t get anything to start in a dvm from the dom0 terminal. Oddly enough, I can start things if I call qubes-app-menu and select it with my mouse, but using exactly the same command in a terminal throws error 127. I can start apps in a named VM e.g. “qvm-run Study xfce4-terminal” and that works but “qvm-run Study qubes-StartApp+xfce4-terminal” throws error 127.
I am unsure how to diagnose this behavior, and confused that I can start things fine from the menu but the exact same command as the menu calls throws an error. All of my vms are based on Fedora 40 template. I am using the exact same names as listed in /usr/share/applications/ in the template.
Does anyone have any ideas? What am I doing wrong?