Unable to boot Qubes OS from USB flash drive on Thinkpad P16s AMD

Tried to install Qubes OS on a Thinkpad P16s and wasn’t able to get past the diagnostics screen

I’m attaching a picture I was able to take of the boot process before it failed.

Not sure what troubleshooting steps I should follow.

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Likely this: Kernel panics when disabling the microphone in Lenovo firmware · Issue #9177 · QubesOS/qubes-issues (github.com)

Make sure the microphone is enabled in firmware settings.

If you check the call trace then you’ll see that the github issue is related to snd_intel_dspcfg module but the OP call trace is related to ucsi_acpi module.

Thanks for sharing this. It worked for me and I was able to boot successfully.

I now have a separate issue which is migrating my current Windows installation that came with the laptop such that I can use it as one of the qubes (license and all)

I am also renaming the topic to “Unable to boot Qubes OS from USB flash drive” because that’s what was the issue.

Not sure about the license, but you can try to use your current Windows installation disk image for VM.
Shrink the Windows partition on the disk.
Create StandaloneVM and set System storage max size to be bigger than all the Windows partitions on the disk.
Configure StandaloneVM to use UEFI if your WIndows used UEFI:
UEFI enabled HVMs hang on "Guest has not initialized the display (yet)" · Issue #8625 · QubesOS/qubes-issues · GitHub
dd from your Windows disk to the StandaloneVM root disk image.

I’m attaching the current partition setup I have (currently dual booting KDE Neon alongside Windows 11)

I did that as part of the dual boot setup I currently have in place

So as per the screenshot, the max size would be 250 GiB?

When you’ll dd - do this for entry disk so that first two partitions will be copied as well. You can set dd to copy all disk sectors from 0 up to the last sector of nvme0n1p3.

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I am having a challenge determining how to set up the partitions.

In the above screenshot, I have a ~700GB luks partition and ~260 MB partition.

I think I can keep the boot partition as is. For the 700GB partition, if I set it via the Blivet UI as unformatted, would the Qubes installer see this and format it in a suitable manner (from some reading, dom0 needs to have enough space and with the amount of RAM I have, I probably don’t need 64GB of swap space. Could be wrong though)

Do you want to install Qubes OS on this disk instead of 700 GB partition?
I think you can use autopartitioning for this in Qubes OS installer, I guess it should reuse the existing EFI System partition, create 1GB /boot partition and encrypted LVM with swap from the rest free space.
You can set dom0 swap to 4 GB, that should be enough.

No I don’t. I want to use the 700 GB partition as the main Qubes partition and the existing /boot partition remains a boot partition

By existing boot partition you mean nvme0n1p2? It has only 16 MB, it won’t be enough.

No. It seems that nvme0n1p2 belongs to Windows. The Linux one is nvme0n1p1

nvme0n1p1 is EFI System partition. It’s /boot/efi mountpoint. It can be reused by Qubes OS without formatting.
You’ll need to have separate ext4 /boot partition as well.

Forgive me if it’s documented somewhere but why do we need an extra 1GB partition for boot?

The steps I am going to follow are

  1. Re-use the /boot partition as is for Qubes

  2. Reformat the main partition to unformatted space.

3a. Make a separate 1GB boot ext4 partition. Should this also be mounted on /boot?

3b. Not sure how to partition for dom0. See point 4.

  1. Hopefully proceeding with the installer keeps the changes from 1 to 3 and dom0 “automatically” gets the space it requires. In the Custom installation, LVM is selected and “Encrypt my data” option is checked.

Thanks a lot for the help

Edit: it seems I’ll have to switch between the Blivet UI and the partition UI provided by the “Custom” option for partitioning

Yes now I understand. Thanks.

So from what I can see in the Custom partition view, I now have the free space that I need to manually partition (after creating the boot partition). When I select “Done”, it gives me the message “You have not defined a root partition (/), which is required for installation of Qubes OS to continue”.

This means I need to continue on the manual partitioning path.

How do I partition the remaining space the way the Qubes installer would have done it?

I want to pick the right mount points for dom0 etc

Edit: also want to make sure the space is correctly encrypted as well

I don’t remember the defaults.
You can boot the installer in VM in some other OS and check how it’ll autopartition the disk.
Or search the forum, maybe someone mentioned this somewhere.

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Can’t boot the OS in a VM at the moment since that means I lose the configuration changes I’ve made. I’ll just go with one root partition that’s encrypted and see how that goes. If it doesn’t work out, then I’ll make a separate post for that. Cheers!

In manual partitioning step there is a “Click here to create them automatically”. You can press on it and see how it’ll configure partitions using the free space. Then you can revert the changes and do this manually.