Unable to install qubes-core-agent-network-manager etc. in minimal templates

Fully updated fedora-41-minimal: “no match for argument”
Fully updated debian-12-minimal: “package qubes-core-agent-network-manager is not available”

The same for any other packages mentioned in the official documentation for minimals required as sys-net and sys-firewall.
Only iproute installed in fedora for me. Tested the fedora template as sys-net with same settings as my current 38 minimal, just in case documentation is outdated and the packages are obsolete, but no connection.

First, what’s your Qubes version?
Second, do you have any Qubes repository?

# Fedora minimal template
dnf repolist

I was unable to replicate on a fresh debian-12-minimal template. apt-get install qubes-core-agent-network-manager worked as expected. So it must be an issue with your local setup.

edit: tested in r4.2

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I’m on 4.3.
I get repos and can install other packages without problem, for example anything listed here Fedora Packages Recommendations for Network & Proxy VM

Do you at least have Qubes repos listed with dnf repolist?

These packages come from Fedora, so they will be able to be installed anyway.

Since you are on Q4.3, the stable Qubes repo for F41 is empty:

You need to enable the testing repository to get the packages:

sudo dnf config-manager setopt qubes-vm-r4.3-current-testing.enabled=1

Thank you.

This returns: No matching repository to modify: qubes-vm-r4.3-current-testing

I’ve enabled all testing updates in the GUI, updated dom, and still no luck fetching qubes-core-agent-network-manager and qubes-core-agent-networking

I’m not using Q4.3, so the name may be different.

Run dnf repolist --all instead and see if it lists more than one Qubes repository.


This has showed me that the repo was still disabled.
All working now. Thank you very much!