Unable to install Kelopatra on Vault

Hi everyone,

Qubes n00b here.

For some reason I am unable to get Kleopatra working which I installed on the Vault terminal. Im hoping to use Kleopatra as im use to it since migrating from Tails.

I have done the following:

sudo dnf install kleopatra

I then wait for the installation to complete. Once complete I shutdown the vault qube and navigate to the qubes manager, selected vault and then went to app shortcuts however Kleopatra isnt here? Wondering if I have done something wrong or what I need to do to get it working? According to a linux forum this was all that was required and it should show in applications in qube manager. I have even tried to refresh the applications with no avail.

Please help :expressionless:

Many thanks

You need to install it in Vault’s template VM

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Hi Kenosen apologies for the delayed response

Not sure if I understand what you mean as the guide above you have quoted is the same way I tried to install Kleopatra to vault:
In vault I use the following command: sudo dnf install kleopatra

The installation works fine, however I am unable to see or use the GUI once I restart the vault VM after terminal installation completes. I have tried refreshing applications for vault VM and Kleopatra still doesn’t appear anywhere.


But @kenosen told you:

Here, “vault’s template” stand for a different qube than vault, it should be something like fedora-40-xfce, debian-12-xfce, or else.

I recommend you to read these parts of the docs:

Maybe start to clone your vault and vault’s template qubes and play with it before doing anything serious with your real vault?

Sorry, yes you’re right, makes sense now. I thought he was referring to installing Kleopatra on vaults VM. I installed it to the fedora VM and now it shows in vault applications.

Slight issue though I am unable to import my private key to kelopatra in vault. I click import then navigate to my private key which is a .asc file it imports with the following error: “Secret keys not imported: 1”

Could this be a permission error with the .asc file?

Thanks heaps

I think, it’s going off-topic. I’m not sure it’s related to Qubes OS, maybe try to get more output from Kleopatra (debug mode, logs, etc.), check if the file works in Tails, etc.

Not really off topic at all as the file works in tails and other standalone linux distros such as Whonix. It’s evident that it is an isolated issue with Qubes OS

Okay, so the file is identical? and what about kleopatra’s version? It could be relates to the template, which one are you using. You mentioned the permissions, what are the permissions of the file? Running Kleopatra from command-line, maybe with --verbose or --debug option could help by providing more logs?

deleting .gnupg folder located at /home/user/ seemed to do the trick. However I enabled Thunar File Manager on fedora as this is where I installed Kelopatra as suggested above, so perhaps it is a file permission issue after all?

Thanks for all your help parulin, really appreciate it.