Trying to install 4.2.1 on desktop, lots of errors

So. I’m back at it with 4.2.1 after giving up on 4.2.0 but still getting errors.
It looked like things were installing fine and then I rebooted. On reboot for some reason I couldn’t type in my password to unlock LUKS until I esc’d out of the GUI to a term where I was able to enter the password but then qubes barfed up the following:

So, since it suggested copying the rds file I did, which is below. I don’t have a clue where to go from here.

rdsosreport.log (240.5 KB)
(i’d put into a code snippet here but its 240k so more than the forum will allow and more than some of the pastebins seem to allow?)

Maybe you’ve entered incorrect password.

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It does look like incorrect password. The attached log contains:

[   55.736169] localhost systemd-cryptsetup[573]: Set cipher aes, mode xts-plain64, key size 512 bits for device /dev/disk/by-uuid/f5772b2b-e584-4e6e-a1dc-4c11f8db46e6.
[   57.002733] localhost systemd-cryptsetup[573]: Failed to activate with specified passphrase. (Passphrase incorrect?)
[   69.303912] localhost systemd-cryptsetup[573]: Set cipher aes, mode xts-plain64, key size 512 bits for device /dev/disk/by-uuid/f5772b2b-e584-4e6e-a1dc-4c11f8db46e6.
[   70.562669] localhost systemd-cryptsetup[573]: Failed to activate with specified passphrase. (Passphrase incorrect?)
[   70.562904] localhost systemd-cryptsetup[573]: Too many attempts to activate; giving up.

If you are sure you entered the correct one, maybe it’s a keyboard layout issue? or caps lock?

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Well ^%*$#%#, but Yeah!
It was the same password as what I’ve been using; but, when i tried to put it in here I kept getting errors… looks like perhaps I incorrectly typed it in, twice, when setting it up?
Regardless, I didnt have much to lose (other than time) so I reinstalled w/o enc the drive and that seems to have installed ok so I’ll try reinstalling, again, and be super careful with the luks enc password this time. Sorry to take up peoples time with such a boneheaded mistake :frowning: