I followed the instructions given in this page and wrote the ISO to a 16 gb USB stick using dd. The USB stick is now formatted to iso9660 containing the Qubes ISO. I restarted the computer to get into the UEFI menu and chose the USB stick as the top choice for booting into the PC, but it doesn’t boot from the USB stick regardless what I do. Does anyone have a solution for this?
It seems like a generic GRUB error, so it shouldn’t be related to Qubes specifically. Have you tried researching the error messages online?
I don’t have a lot of ideas here, you could try going into your uefi settings, boot > add boot option. Then select the USB drive and move into the UEFI directory and select grub.
You could also try re-flashing the usb, with a newer version perhaps:
I followed your advice and re-flashed the usb with the newer version and used the modified command you provided. I was able to finally install Qubes by disabling secure boot, but I got a few error messages which disappeared quickly under the installation.
This is what the Qubes menu looks like for me after the installation:
This will create the default disposable vm template. After that, re-run the above but change the value of vm to sys-net, then sys-firewall, then sys-usb.
That will create all the main service qubes.
If you want the Whonix qubes, run the same with sys-whonix and anon-whonix.