Touchpad detected, not working

I have a Framework 13 AMD laptop and have run into an issue with the touchpad. I am able to use an external usb mouse for the time being but would like to get the trackpad working.

in dom0 I can get to the Mouse and Touchpad setting and there are two devices detected under Device:
PIXA3854:00 093A:0274, one labeled “Mouse” and one labeled “Touchpad”
[this is in addition to the external mouse which shows up under the same dropdown as belonging to sys-usb]

There is a /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-touchpad.conf file that lists the driver as libinput

I’m wondering if there are some permission issues as it asks me to authorize my external mouse when I plug it in.

Any advice on where to look would be appreciated.

Hello, have you find a solution for the trackpad issue ? I’ve the same problem with the same laptop.

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The issue is tracked there : No USB with 4.2.0-rc5 on Framework Laptop 13 AMD · Issue #8734 · QubesOS/qubes-issues · GitHub

I know it’s off-topic, but can someone explain how they got internet of either ethernet or wifi working on the FW 13 AMD?