Tool: Simple Set-up of New Qubes and Software

I had to change this slightly to (note the ExecStart => ExecStartPost):

Description=SSH agent

ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh-agent -D -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/ssh-add [key]


Works like a charm. Thanks!


For anyone who was as confused as me, certain of these setups assume that you have already set up the cacher. Once I did that they worked fine, but before that they failed. So try that if you’re having problems with them!

Can you tell me for which you found this?
All of the template repo salting is conditional on there being a
“cacher” qube - otherwise the repo definitions should be left as they are.

If you found this not to be the case, then it’s a bug that needs to be
fixed. (Although I advocate for using a caching proxy, I don’t intend
to enforce it.)

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team. When I comment in the Forum or in the mailing lists I speak for myself.

i forget which repo, but yes it happen to me too.

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Thanks - it looks as if it is the Pihole and Share packages that are
affected - this is wrong.
I’ll fix it.

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Salting I2P

so happy you did this


perpare for r4.2 repo? so we dont need to change releasever.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Salting I2P

Not sure if it’s just me, but I’m getting 404 when trying to download the RPM from Is that still the way to install the tool? (I’ve already installed the keys) Or can it just be installed via dnf in dom0 now? (shiver up my spine) :slight_smile:


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if you had type the unman repo in dom0, and save key under /etc/pki…

you can just run `sudo qubes-dom0-update 3isec-qubes-task-manager’

This is a great idea to include the qubes-app-split-browser!

I would really like it we had this for Firefox with arkenfox integrated into the Qube and a cron job/script to update arkenfox every day or at each boot.

That worked.


How to install this via salt ?!

Partway there:

(It doesn’t update arkenfox daily, but it does combine it with the split browser.)

There isn’t a salt package to set this up currently.
It’s on my list.

i installed this task manager yesterday and got 2 questions:
i installed pi-hole, it seems like it setted everything up, it switched all my qubes to pi-hole.
i still got internet, so everything is fine but, is there a way to reach the pihole webui, to check if pihole working really?
i was wanted to lookup netstat in pihole to check on which port it is running but seems like network tools arent installed here.

second thing is, i also installed split-ssh, but i cant see a qube here.
if i want to try install it again, it says, its already installed.

It’s available at standard address - or via pihole -a

If you ran qubes-task or qubes-task-gui from terminal you would have
seen any feedback there. Was the installation succesfull?

Try removing with sudo dnf remove 3isec-qubes-sys-ssh-agent and

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oh, yeah, in the pihole qube inside it would work if i write the ip/admin

no, sadly no success feedback because my laptop freezed while installing (because i got too much qubes and windows running probably and didnt realized, that it would also configure everything for me - thought have to do the networking stuff afterwards on myself)
but would try your command! thanks! <3 :slight_smile: