The time display of the non-disposable AppVM is out of alignment

The date and time in the system tray on my desktop are correct, but when I look at the Brave history of the untrusted Qube I created from the debian-12-xfce template, the time is displayed 12 hours late. (15:52 is 2:40, for example).

I would like to improve this situation. Is there any way to set this up?

What’s the output of this command in dom0 terminal?


What’s the output of these commands in qube terminal?

qrexec-client-vm --filter-escape-chars-stderr '@default' qubes.GetDate+nanoseconds
sudo qrexec-client-vm --filter-escape-chars-stderr '@default' qubes.GetDate+nanoseconds /usr/lib/qubes/qubes-sync-clock
sudo journalctl -b -u qubes-sync-time.service
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Thanks, I was trying to run timedatectl on dom0 and found that the TimeZone was set to America/New_York, so I fixed it to Asia/Tokyo.

I changed it to Asia/Tokyo.

After this, I restarted AppVM and started Brave, and the history was set to the Japanese time. Thanks for the help.