The icons on the panel are missing

That’s the command you need to run in dom0 terminal.
But given the screenshot you provided, I doubt it will be of any use (still worth a try).

Also, check this out: [Bug]: [Bug]: xfce4-panel: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.xfce.Panel was not provided by any .service files · Issue #539 · termux/x11-packages · GitHub
Some solutions have been proposed:

  • I had to configure the execution of xfce4-panel in applications → settings → session & startup with flag --display=:0

  • remove the contents of $HOME/.config/xfce

    in this case it’s sensible to make a backup of that folder:

    mkdir ~/xfce-bak
    mv ~/.config/xfce/* ~/xfce-bak
  • The issue was resolved downgrading the library’s libvte, for a while until it will be patched we can get it from

The same issue is also mentioned here: Panel not showing up after update - #4 by franckyvee - Xfce - Manjaro Linux Forum

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