Testing Debian-11

There will shortly be new builds for 4.1 of the Debian-11 template.
It would be really useful for 4.1 users to:

  1. test the new template (I’ll let you know once it is available), and
  2. test the upgrade path from Debian-10.

The build for 4.0 is broken, so a new template wont be available for a
little while.
Until that is fixed, can you test the upgrade path from buster?

The upgrade instructions are at:

Please check that the bullseye template is a drop in replacement for
buster, and that all tools and processes work as expected, including the
Qubes Updater.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Pinned the topic in this category to see if gets some more eyeballs.

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Around August 20th, I installed the brand new debian-11 template from itl-testing.

Yesterday, I started a test AppvM based on this template, as expected the Qubes Updater detected an update (DSA-4963-1 openssl) and installed it.

Then, I switched all my AppVM and DispVM from the debian-10 templates to the debian-11 templates. My sys-net and sys-firewall use also the debian-11 templates. So now, I no more use debian-10 stuff.

Also, I upgraded 2 HVM (minimal and XFCE) from debian-10 to debian-11.

I didn’t detect issues…


  • [x] Qubes Updater
  • [x] AppVM base on debian-11 template
  • [x] DvmVM base on debian-11 template
  • [x] HVM upgrade from debian-10 to debian-11
  • [x] qvm-run, qvm-move, qvm-copy, qvm-open-*
  • [x] general usages (web-browsing, mail, terminal, open img/pdf documents)

Not tested

  • [ ] template upgrade from debian-10 to debian-11, and I won’t test it.
  • [ ] debian-11 minimal template, I’ll test it in the next days

My system is mainly debian-based. I use fedora-34 only for my builder AppVM and the default-mgmt-dvm.

If you want a specific test, ask and I’ll see if I can check it.

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Thanks @ludovic, that seems to cover all the bases, and coheres with my
experience, on 4.0 and 4.1

I have tested the upgrade path, and that also seems fine.
@Sven and I both use minimal templates, and have not encountered