Temple OS Standalone VM [Complete User Guide]

  1. Download iso file from templeos.org download page: https://templeos.org/Downloads/. I chose the Dec 2017 version.
  2. Create a standalone VM with no template. Instead, boot it from CD/ROM and select your temple OS iso.
  3. Follow the install prompts. You have to click on one of the drive selectors (1,2,3, or 4) and then it should install properly. You have to kill the VM since it doesn’t respond to Qubes’ shutdown signals.
  4. If it survives a reboot you are brought to the bootloader. I picked Drive C to load from and that worked.
  5. Profit.

Thanks for the Guide. Now you made me think about doing the same thing with DOS and other old versions of windows for old games.

This is a generic install for a standalone.
You can also follow this method and create a template. If you install to
/dev/xvda, then you can create qubes using that template which will
effectively be disposables.
You can also configure them to store data on /dev/xvdb, in which case
they become more like standard qubes.

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum or in the mailing lists I speak for myself.

Temple OS: security by obfuscation