Template - Fedora 41 Minimun - what is the password for sudo, please?


In Mar/2025, the FEDORA 41 MINIMUM was downloaded and it requires a password to use the root account.


sudo ls 

su - root

In both cases it requested for a password.

Could somebody please publish the password ?


There is no password. You can run commands with sudo on Fedora 41 Minimal by launching a terminal in the template as the root user from dom0. For example:

qvm-run -u root fedora-41-minimal xterm

If you’d rather use sudo as usual, install the package qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root first. To do this, run:

qvm-run -u root fedora-41-minimal xterm
sudo dnf install qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root

For more details, see the passwordless root documentation.

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thanks @andreasglashauser

for some reason i could not find the documentation that you posted.

As a friendly reminder from the docs:

Caution: This page is intended for advanced users.

So, given your question, I would suggest not using it for now :slight_smile:

thanks @parulin

I doing this on a secondary laptop - not in my daily driver

I do appreciate the concern

As long as you use it for testing purpose, you can use it along your other templates in your daily driver, no worries. But a lot of things could be more difficult to get to work…

Having Testing & Prod on same laptop is a bit risky for me

I am reading the guidance and docs to better understand QuBes

So a dedicated laptop is safer

Thanks for the clarifications