TailsOS Template

that’s right, you need to choose the second boot option and then remove the
“live-media=removable” boot option

for the networking issue keep netmask as the default, but try a different bridge.

I had to try a few different bridges. You are forced to type it manually which is cumbersome.

Okay, let’s recap:

  1. I fire up the Tails qube in Qubes Manager
  2. immediately pressing the arrow down key when Tails qube window comes up - cursor went to “2. Troubleshooting entry”
  3. I press TAB key and remove ‘live-media=removable’ and hit ENTER
  4. Tails welcome dialog appears and I click on Languages to choose German - mouse freezes and end (same for my PS/2 track pad) // mouse and track pad still works on QubesOS and all other qubes, but not in the Tails window anymore
  5. of course I can move on with Keyboard, but this is not usable when Tails is up and I have to go to settings to set all the wired network stuff
  6. have to kill the Tails qube in qubes manager // or movin on with keyboard to hangle to the shutdown button

By choosing 1. Tails 5.21 entry all goes up and went well - but now network, or at least network, but no connection to a neighbor cube…

even if subnet is:

netVM is:

for me its sys-net, default network settings manully entered.

Mouse Issue

→ restart the sys-usb and its underlying template
→ unplug usb mouse and replug

Networking issue

→ make sure timezone settings are correct
→ use sys-net
→ try different bridges

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…you are still on 4.1.2 or 4.2 already?


Then this should be the issue. Remember 6 month ago, it wasn’t a problem at all manually get a wired connection working.

you are using 4.2?


You think its the main issue?

yes… Not sure why, but must be! Maybe we have to create some additional nftable rules, because the network is there, but you can’t reach another cube by ping (especially those, which are configured from the system as netVM)