System Freeze

Sometimes my system just freezes. I can’t get a tty (ctrl+altF).
A proper freeze, nothing is possible. No error message.

I don’t know why. It happened to me twice today; I can’t guess similarities.
Is it the bad window (see logs below) ?
I checked for updates this morning.

I attached the logs from just today (journalctl --today) ; (my clock is not adjustet yet)
problem.log (1.6 MB)

My Specs:
Qubes 4.1.2 (R4.1) x86_64
Kernel 6.1.35-1.qubes.fc32.x86_64
DE: Plasma 5.18.5
CPU: Intel i7-4790 (4) @ 3.591GHz
GraphicsCArd: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
RAM: 32Gigs

Does your problem look similar to the link below?

Unfortunately not.
It just freezes. No reboot nothing. Complete freeze. The screen is just stuck.
If I want to use it again I have to manually shut down the PC.

I could actually create a vm with ssh server and if it freezes try to log in to that vm.

try removing your discrete gpu, and use the one from motherboard, see if the problem from gpu.

Can i just start Qubes or will i have to reinstall it, because it could detect hw cha
ges and freak out.
After the forum post I could use it normally the entire day.
But I will try this in the future. My graphics card is relly old so I expect the drivers do be well testest, (you can never know though).

no need to reinstall / anything, just remove the gpu and attach the vga / hdmi cable to the one in motherboard, then power on pc