Sys-usb mini

I’m trying to use mini template of fedora for my sys-usb and I’m getting some crashes and what not… Can you like tell me what exactly I should install in there except the qubes-usb-proxy and the qubes-input-proxy-sender, because no matter what I do, the look(popup styling etc) are not the same for example, so I guess I’m missing some package or something?

Those packages should be enough for a working sys-usb. Maybe say more about the crashes you’re seeing and in what way the styling is not the same as what you want.

I don’t remember all of them but one that makes it impossible to use right away is blueman crushing immediately after launching bluetooth manager and clicking either enable or not on the popup… I tired fedora 39 min and debian 12 min

Not to put too fine a point on it, but maybe for the time being you’d be best off just sticking with the default installed sys-usb based on a non-minimal template. Qubes is a pretty complex operating system and you’ll probably want to accumulate experience using it over maybe many days or weeks before you get into deep customization. You’ll have gained better troubleshooting skills and will be able to ask better questions on this forum and get better answers from helpful other users.

OK sorry