Sys tray icons?

how do i change sys tray icons like qui-updates? i tried to search and found only /usr/share/icons/ and /usr/share/gnome-packagekit/icons paths
i use 4.1 qubes with kde and tried many ways to change the icons but no results

It seems to me that this topic may have useful examples:

no i tried this and tried instead of 22 folder others folders it didnt work. there is a pk-updates-low.svg i think in gnome-packagekit and i tried to give same name in my theme folder like /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/mytheme/icons/… but no luck
this is very very ugly looking and some icons are completly white

Possibly related: I asked (in another thread) how to put something in the system tray even if it was in a VM, and discovered that that is not Qubes specific, but rather just a matter of using a certain widget type in X. I found out that Gtk has a wrapper class for that (Gtk on *nix is essentially a wrapper for X motif things), and used that. All I get is a white icon much like the networking one. I’ve tried every kind of file format. White box. Not terribly useful especially if I have multiple VMs trying to put an icon there.

nothing work… i tried to install from file in system settings too… this icons don’t change. developers??

If you want to change the update icon, this is what you do in XFCE, it’s probably similar in KDE.

In dom0, you install the icons in ~/.icons, and then you open System Settings > Appearance and from the icons tab you select the icon theme you installed.

After you changed the icons, reboot the computer.

i tried it now and not working not even install icons in system settings. i did similar with ~/.local/share/icons and this install icons in system settings but not working on this system icons