Sys-net General Connection Issues 4.0.3



Can you please still help? We are most similar with computers. At the end of “ip a”,

“valid_left forever preferred_lft forever” appears.

This forum is not suitable for the level of support we do here with you.

Try by yourself or with an external physical help. Read documentation about Linux and USB NIC, about the lsusb and ip a command.
Enhance your Linux skills, this will help. Also, you can install a standalone Linux on your computer, like Fedora 32 for learning more about Linux.

I’ll try to find a solution to continue with you on this problem, maybe with a chat solution, I don’t know…

I can try. Thought, can it be because both 2 USB controllers are “Selected” for sys-usb? lsusb appears not to load or takes long time.