Suricata configuration on Qubes (host / gateway)

Hello, I’m confused about how Suricata should be set up on Qubes computer.

Below are settings of my current attempt:

sys-net → sys-firewall → Standalone AppVM (installed Suricata & ticked provide network) → AppVM

Having read the Suricata documentation (particularly section 15 on setting up IPS/inline for Linux), I noted the importance to differentiate the traffic that passes Suricata (i.e. “host” or “gateway”) as each of the three available configuration methods can only suit one type of traffic.

While each app qube on Qubes performs like an independent virtual machine, my current settings appear to suggest app qubes can be “chained” to a certain extent. More specifically, app qube A (e.g. installed with Suricata) can be used to provide network for another qube B, which suggests that all traffic to/from qube b will pass through (and can be inspected by) qube A.

In that case, my Suricata runs on “host” or “gateway” mode? If “gateway” mode, how can I find out the interface names of the two interfaces facing Suricata?

Do you have any more specific guidance on how Suricata should be set up on Qubes?

Thank you.

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It’s in host mode for traffic generated by the sys-suricata qube (e.g. if you ping from this qube’s terminal) and in gateway for the traffic generated by the qubes connected to sys-suricata qube.

If you want to associate the interface/IP in the sys-suricata qube with the name of the qube that is connected to it and is using this interface then you can try this:

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Thanks @apparatus for the prompt and clear reply!

As I am new to Linux and have little programming or syntax knowledge, would you mind sharing more on:

(1) which way (creating script in dom0 or adding a custom Qubes RPC service) would be easier to implement?
(2) the exact writing of the script itself for either way (I know it’s much to ask for but please pardon my ignorence)?

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The script would be easier to implement, but you’ll need to run this script manually to update the list of the qubes connected to the sys-suricata qube each time you connect new qube to the sys-suricata qube.

I didn’t try it so I can’t provide you with a working script.
But you need to use qvm-ls command to list the qubes using sys-suricata qube as their net qube and print their IP addresses:

qvm-ls --raw-data --fields NAME,IP,NETVM | grep '|sys-suricata$' | sed 's/|sys-suricata$//g'

Send it to the sys-suricata qube:
How to copy from dom0 | Qubes OS
And parse it there.

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@apparatus I’ve got an update without using either way you suggested (as they are too complicated for me).

I seem to have managed to set up the gateway mode by manually finding out the NIC name of the two interfaces connected to sys-suricata (persistence across reboots yet to be tested though). While testing with a specific drop rule was successful in blocking connection, there was no entry in the Suricata fast.log at all. Would you know how to fix the issue? Thanks.

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I never used Suricata so no idea.

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Further update: My manual way above turned out to be unsuccessful nor have persistence, so it’s gone back to square one (or two, with thanks to @apparatus 's advice). Can anybody help with the scripting please?

You can create a script in dom0 that will create the associated list “IP address - qube name” and pass it to your custom firewall VM.
You can also add a custom Qubes RPC service that could be called from sys-custom-fw qube script in /rw/config/network-hooks.d on new qube connect/disconnect event to request the dom0 to update the connected qubes associated list:

Qrexec: secure communication across domains | Qubes OS

You can use QubesDB to pass the list to your custom firewall VM, e.g:
In dom0:

qubesdb-write -d sys-custom-fw /connected_qubes_list/ my
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Would like to supplement that the Netfilter method from Suricata documentation can work as host, but not as gateway for traffic that originate from another QubeVM and pass through sys-suricata. Suspect it has something to do with the design of Qubes OS which imposes certain restrictions on inter-qube connection to enhance security.

If the Netfilter method can’t work due to Qubes OS design, the two methods left have to use two interfaces. Based on my understanding of @apparatus’s advice, the configuration may be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Create a script in dom0 / Create custom Qubes RPC service
  2. Dom0 feeds the two interface names into sys-suricata (automatically or upon being called) / Sys-suricata calls network hooks upon new qube connection/disconnection
  3. Input the two interface names (in the form of variable) obtained from step 2 into suricata.yaml, to ensure the interface names are automatically updated in a timely manner.

I figure there may not be many users in the community who uses Suricata on Qubes OS, your advice on parts of the full process is still appreciated. Thanks.

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Could anybody help please?