Sudden asking sudo password? (after removing cheese and keepassxc)

Yes, you can install the package qubes-core-agent-nautilus to show the “copy to VM” options, which went missing. But I recall you were having issues installing packages, hence my radical suggestion…

Also, if you ever need to know what qubes packages you need to install to do a certain thing, take a look here.

i can not install anything in the vm, it can not resolve host names, so it has somehow network problems also.

You seem to have a host of problems.
I would fix the network one first, because it makes everything else
Have you actually proved that it is name resolution that s the problem?
Try to connect in a web browser to
If you get to Debian klecker, then you know that the ;problem is with
name resolution.

If it is, try editing /etc/resolv.conf to use nameserver as the
only entry - see if that makes a difference.

yes there seem to be a host of problems and i have no idea, where do they come from.
I mean, i just removed cheese and keepassxc. So it seems that the system removes with that the host of something else.

there comes just unable to connect.
What is “debian klecker”? :slight_smile:

chanching the resolve makes no difference

the problem with the VM is, you can not smash it with your foot! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

That IP will take you to a machine called klecker, used by Debian.
So the fact that you cant connect by IP suggests that your networking
is hosed.
What are your network settings? (IP, netmask,gateway)
How do they compare to those shown in Qube Manager?

Settings of the VM shown in qubes manager
Virtual DNS:,

How can I see the Seetings directly on the vm? I think, you mean that with “compare”.
Because ifconfig gives me just this:
lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
inet netmask
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10
loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback)
RX packets 4 bytes 224 (224.0 B)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 4 bytes 224 (224.0 B)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

qvm-ls -n <qube> in dom0 shows the same (just without the option of tenmask and dns)

so these both seem to match

The resolv.conf on the vm shows just the mentioned nameservers

Since your Standalone does not have an eth0 to connect to the netvm
gateway, that might explain why you have no networking.
I’m losing the thread somewhat - what is the Standalone using? Did you
have networking installed, tested, and working, before your cheese removal?

Everything was ok on this standalone vm before, so i had networking just as in other vms, no difference, no special settings. So I have no idea, why this vm now suddenly has no eth0.

You still haven’t said what this Standalone is running.
Any way, I tried in a Fedora machine, removed keepassxc and cheese, and
everything was fine, which makes me think you removed other packages.
Take a look at the log in /var/log/dnf.log and you should be able to see
what packages you removed.

oh, sorry, yes this standalone was running before.

with keepassx it removed:
ykpers.x86_64 1.20.0-5.fc32
libyubikey.x86_64 1.13-13.fc32

with cheese it removed:
frei0r-plugins.x86_64 1.7.0-7.fc32
gavl.x86_64 1.4.0-16.fc32
gnome-video-effects.noarch 0.5.0-2.fc32
libgdither.x86_64 0.6-22.fc32

OOOOKK… i just did not supposed that by removing thunderbird it removed a host of stuff!!

2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG --> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package ethtool.x86_64 2:5.9-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package fakeroot.x86_64 1.25.2-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package fakeroot-libs.x86_64 1.25.2-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package libtomcrypt.x86_64 1.18.2-6.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package nautilus-python.x86_64 1.2.3-4.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package openpgm.x86_64 5.2.122-22.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package pciutils.x86_64 3.6.4-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package pulseaudio-qubes.x86_64 4.0.32-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package python3-babel.noarch 2.8.0-2.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package python3-click.noarch 7.1.1-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package python3-jinja2.noarch 2.11.2-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package python3-markupsafe.x86_64 1.1.1-5.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package python3-msgpack.x86_64 0.6.2-2.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package python3-psutil.x86_64 5.6.7-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package python3-pycryptodomex.x86_64 3.9.8-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package python3-pytz.noarch 2020.4-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package python3-pyyaml.x86_64 5.3.1-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package python3-tqdm.noarch 4.50.2-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package python3-zmq.x86_64 18.1.0-3.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates.x86_64 4.0.58-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-core-agent-nautilus.x86_64 4.0.58-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-core-agent-network-manager.x86_64 4.0.58-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-core-agent-networking.x86_64 4.0.58-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root.x86_64 4.0.58-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-gpg-split.x86_64 2.0.49-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-img-converter.x86_64 1.2.9-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-input-proxy-sender.x86_64 1.0.20-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-mgmt-salt-vm-connector.noarch 4.0.24-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-pdf-converter.x86_64 2.1.11-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-usb-proxy.noarch 1.0.29-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package qubes-vm-recommended.noarch 4.0.7-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package salt.noarch 3001.3-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package salt-ssh.noarch 3001.3-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package socat.x86_64 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package thunderbird.x86_64 78.5.0-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package thunderbird-qubes.noarch 2.0.5-1.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package tinyproxy.x86_64 1.10.0-5.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package usbutils.x86_64 012-4.fc32 will be erased
2020-12-17T14:40:58+0100 DEBUG —> Package zeromq.x86_64 4.3.3-1.fc32 will be erased

The whole networking, passwordless root and so on are gone with that step :smiley:

So how can i install on the vm without networking the whole stuff??

Right, so this is going to be a little difficult, because you removed
the whole Qubes infrastructure tools, and you said you cant use
qvm-copy , I think, although it isn’t clear to me why not. Try that
again from another qube.
If qvm-copy is not working…

What you could do if you have to keep this standalone is to copy
those qubes packages on to a USB stick, and then start the standalone:
qvm-start <qube> --hddisk <usb-qube>:<block>
This should start your standalone, and then you can open a root console
as before and install the packages with dnf install ....

Otherwise, create a new standalone, configure it as you will, attach the
private disk from the dead one to the new, and copy the data across.

Either method is going to be painful.

Hi unman,
I had a similar problem. Tried to remove thunderbird from my fedora32 temp “sudo dnf remove thunderbird” and it also removed all the qubes specific packages. Any idea how I can remove thunderbird without destroying my temp?

Yes - use a decent package manager and mark the other qubes packages
“hold” or “install”.
The other packages are removed because they are part of
qubes-vm-recommended - that includes qubes-thunderbird, which
depends on thunderbird.
Remove the qubes-vm-recommended package and install the individual
packages from it that you want, in a single transaction.
This is simple in Debian using aptitude: I assume it can be done in Fedora.

And what can I do now? :slight_smile:

I can not mount USB, i can not get any network, so how can i install those packages? There should be a way via dom0, i think.

Thanks for your reply!

I tried it with “sudo rpm -e thunderbird --nodep” and it just removed thunderbird without removing any other dependencies - seems to work. That seems too easy - am I missing something here?

You do not need to install these packages. Just go into settings of your gui-interface. Since it is a standalone machine it should be in HVM anyway. Pass your USB-controller in devices through to your machine, fire it up and attach your usb-device. It will show and you will be able to retrieve your data. Just tested this little workaround two minutes ago. Then you create a new standalone and be careful with removing certain packages!

ok, thanks, I’ll try it. Can somebody say, what packages I removed (the list is above) must be installed again (without thunderbird) to get the network working?

I can try it out by myself, but where can i download the single packages?
Or can I somehow copy them from other working vm?

I dont know Fedora well enough to know if that will stop it being
reinstalled as part of the dependencies of other packages - I would
hope not.

Instead of attaching the USB-controller to the qube, you can start it
using qvm-start <qube> --hddisk=<device path USB> , as I suggested.

For the packages you need, treat this as a minimal template and look at
the docs:

That should help you to decide which packages to install.

ok, thanks a lot!
That what i did:

  • created a new standalone
  • copied the complete “user” to the mounted ssd ( qvm-start <qube> --hddisk=<device path USB>) (as root, user can not do it)
  • and get it to the new vm

puh… next time i will look twice by removing something usual :smiley: